Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top Most Common Passwords that can be Hacked


We generally don't get care about our password. We are posting the most common passwords that can be hacked easily. IF your password is in this list we will suggest you to change it also see how you can secure your account and how to create a STRONG password.

1. 1234
2. 987654321
3. 951753654
4. 951753
5. 000007
9. Your Name
10. Princess
11. Attitude
12. what i am
13. Date of Birth
14. Mother's Name/Father's Name
15. Cool+ (Your Name)
16. Phone Number

These are the most common passwords and hackers can easily hack it, our aim is to secure our users.

How can I make My Password Strong?

This is a very imp. question for every social networking users. Hackers target your accounts and websites don't click on links and always look on your browser URL.
We are giving you some hints use it and secure password

What to Use in Password?

1. Use alphabet small/BIG (use both)
2. Use number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
3. Use symbols @,#,$,%,^,&,* (Important)

Example if your Name is - Andrew

You can use @NDrew445

This is the strongest passwords and it's too hard to hack such type of passwords. Make a good sense and don't tell everyone about your E-MAIL address. If you like this like , share and comment please!

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