Sunday, July 29, 2012

ADD 3D Social Follow Smooth Icon

Social Follow Smooth Icon

This is very important for every blogger or for web development to attract their user through their layout and website design. Social Follow icons are important for three purpose- To follow your post directly to social networking sites,email or Rss , To play with them and to attract your daily visitors.

How to Add this Icons

  • Go to Blogger
  • Click on Layout
  • Add Gadget in your Layout
  • Add HTML gadget
  • Paste the Following code and enjoy

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
</by><br />
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
#social{border:0px solid #888; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px; } #social:hover {border:0px solid #ccc;cursor:pointer; } .opacity {opacity: 1;margin-left: 50px;-moz-transition: all 1s ease-out;-o-transition: all 1s ease-out;-webkit-transition: all 1s ease-out;-ms-transition: all 1s ease-out;transition: all 1s ease-out;-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);-o-transform: rotate(360deg);-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);-ms-transform: rotate(360deg);transform: revolution(360deg);filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix( M11=0.9961946980917455, M12=-0.08715574274765817, M21=0.08715574274765817, M22=0.9961946980917455, sizingMethod='auto expand');zoom: 0;} .opacity:hover  {opacity: 0.65;-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);-o-transform: rotate(0deg);-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);-ms-transform: rotate(0deg);transform: rotate(0deg);filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix( M11=0.9961946980917455, M12=-0.08715574274765817, M21=0.08715574274765817, M22=0.9961946980917455, sizingMethod='auto expand');zoom: 0;}
</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Grab Our Rss Feed"><img alt="Icon" border="0" class="opacity" height="194" id="social" img="" src="" style="margin-right: 1px;" width="200" /></a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Like Our Facebook Page"><img alt="Icon" border="0" class="opacity" height="195" id="social" img="" src="" style="margin-right: 1px;" width="200" /></a><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Follow Our Updates On Twitter"><img alt="Icon" border="0" class="opacity" id="social" img="" src="" style="margin-right: 1px;" /></a></div>
</div> - Change this with your Feed Link - Change this with your Twitter Username - Change with your acct.



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Google Doodle Olympic Day 3 - Diving

As we posted earlier Google is continuing its interest AND  in Olympic Celebration.
Google Doodle shows a Women Diver who is set ready to back-flip with Google Logo on Pool.

On Friday Google Celebrated the Opening Ceremony of this year mega Game Fair with different athletes and forming of Google Logo. Yesterday at 2nd Day of Olympic , Google had celebrated the sport of Archery and will continue this doodle till Olympics end.

At 2008 Of Beijing Olympic we have seen Google Doodle's celebrating Olympic.The Google Doodle Showed the five Olympic Mascots - BeiBei, JingJing, HuanHuan, YingYing and Nini carrying the pleasurable Olympic Flag. Will be interesting and exciting to see new Google Doodle. Each day we will see new Google Doodle and will post about it.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Email Subscription Box with Pretty Social Media

This is a pretty good and necessary widget with email subscription form and social media Buttons. This include top Facebook,twitter and also the most important Email Subscription that attract User to sign up and get more readers. This widget will be at your every blog post. See the preview and comment for any Query.

How to Add this Beautiful Widget!

Step 1 = Go to blogger and Click on Template > Edit HTML > Proceed.

Step 2 = Search for the code given Below : (CTRL+F)


Step 3 = Copy- Paste the code given below, below <dat.....

Step 4 = Add this Code


background:url( no-repeat scroll 4px center transparent; 
padding:7px 15px 7px 35px; 
border:1px solid #D3D3D3; 
-moz-border-radius: 4px; 
-webkit-border-radius: 4px; 
border-radius: 4px; 
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset; 
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset; 
box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset; 

padding:6px 15px; 
border:1px solid #D3D3D3; 
cursor: pointer; 
-moz-border-radius: 4px; 
-webkit-border-radius: 4px; 
-goog-ms-border-radius: 4px; 
border-radius: 4px; 
background: #fbfbfb; 
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%, #f4f4f4 100%); 
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#fbfbfb), color-stop(100%,#f4f4f4)); 
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%); 
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%); 
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%); 
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#FBFBFB', endColorstr='#F4F4F4',GradientType=0 ); 
background: linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb 0%,#f4f4f4 100%); 
#doulike-outer { 
-moz-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; 
-webkit-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; 
-goog-ms-border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; 
border-radius: 10px; 
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #CCCCCC;
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; 
border: 1px solid #D3D3D3; 
-moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-out; 
-o-transition: all 0.3s ease-out; 
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-out; 
-ms-transition: all 0.3s ease-out; 
transition: all 0.3s ease-out; 

background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFF; 
-moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset; 
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #CCC inset; 

#doulike-outer td{ 
padding:3px 0; 


<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> 
<div id="doulike-outer">
<div id="doulike">
<span style="font-style: italic; font-size: 30px; font-family: Droid Serif, serif; verdana;  color:#008E00;">Do you Like this Article?</span><table width="100%">
<td align='left'>
<p style='color:#666; font-family: Droid Serif, serif; verdana;  margin:0px 0px 5px 0px; '>Get Free Email Updates Daily!</p>
<form action='' class='emailform' method='post' onsubmit=''', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true' style='margin: 0pt;' target='popupwindow'>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='blogspot/xagsz'/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
<input class='bttext' name='email' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = "Enter your email...";}' onfocus='if (this.value == "Enter your email...") {this.value = ""}' type='text' value='Enter your email...'/>
<input alt='' class='btbutton' title='' type='submit' value='Submit'/>
<td><p style='color:#666; margin:0px 0px 5px 0px;  '>Follow us!</p>
<a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Suscribe to RSS Feed'><img src=''/></a>
<a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Follow us on Twitter'><img src=''/></a>
<a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank' title='Follow us on Facebook'><img src=''/></a>

Remove Unicornix with your Feed, Twitter and Facebook Usernam.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top Most Common Passwords that can be Hacked


We generally don't get care about our password. We are posting the most common passwords that can be hacked easily. IF your password is in this list we will suggest you to change it also see how you can secure your account and how to create a STRONG password.

1. 1234
2. 987654321
3. 951753654
4. 951753
5. 000007
9. Your Name
10. Princess
11. Attitude
12. what i am
13. Date of Birth
14. Mother's Name/Father's Name
15. Cool+ (Your Name)
16. Phone Number

These are the most common passwords and hackers can easily hack it, our aim is to secure our users.

How can I make My Password Strong?

This is a very imp. question for every social networking users. Hackers target your accounts and websites don't click on links and always look on your browser URL.
We are giving you some hints use it and secure password

What to Use in Password?

1. Use alphabet small/BIG (use both)
2. Use number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
3. Use symbols @,#,$,%,^,&,* (Important)

Example if your Name is - Andrew

You can use @NDrew445

This is the strongest passwords and it's too hard to hack such type of passwords. Make a good sense and don't tell everyone about your E-MAIL address. If you like this like , share and comment please!
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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Disable Right Click from your Blog

Do you feel that someone is copying your content,images etc. in which you spend a lot time to make? 
If the answer is yes, Then you are at the right post.
This tutorial show you how to disable right click on your Blog.
After this tutorial your content and every thing will be safe from your blog no one will dare to copy or inspect anything and it is a must trick for every blogger.
Read carefully every step and comment for any query. We support 24/7.

Step = 1  Go to your Blog

Step = 2  Go to layout and then Add Gadget

Step = 3  Add HTML/ Java and then paste the following code :

<script type="text/javascript">
var omitformtags=["input", "textarea", "select"]
function disableselect(e){
if (omitformtags.indexOf(
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined")
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")

Save the Gadget and that's it. If you like it ! then comment and Share
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Warning! Facebook New Virus Spreading

Facebook Users are now facing a new Virus which is spreading all over the world. If you got a mail that you are tagged in this photo click here to see it . We will strictly suggest you not to open it as it contains spam scam.

The mail looks similarly to Facebook but the name would be Faceboook or similar like that. 
Mail consist message that shows you are tagged in a photo.
If you will click on this link at first you will be redirected to a website which contains malicious software which will infect your computer. After some minutes you will be redirected to
Be aware of this virus and see notifications directly from Facebook don't use your mail service.

If you want save your friends  Hit share and share with your friends.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tech Fun Optical Illusion

Hye friends we don't really post images that is optical illusion or others troll but You all know Facebook really gives some good and some awesome Images that show yeah, still Facebook is at top so in out Category of Tech Fun we are posting and optical illusion pic seriously trust me it is one of the best illusion i have ever seen.

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333 Smileys For Facebook

We have collected 333 Smileys for Facebook, These smileys are developed through a trick which is now common and are username of Facebook pages. All 333 Smileys are known characters and are collected with hard work. We will suggest you to just copy paste it in your chat box and For any query contact us.

[[136942059667395]] - Superman
[[133603427601]] - Batman
[[250128751720149]] - Domo
[[334954663181745]] - Spongebob (1)
[[spongebob]] - Spongebob (2)
[[squidward]] - Squidward
[[mrkrabs]] - Mr.Krabs
[[plankton]] - Plankton
[[49239575354]] - Chowder from TV Show Chowder
[[105412836215690]] - Mung
[[278204581010]] - Kimchi The Fart Cloud
[[dora]] - Dora from Dora The Explorer
[[godiegogo]] - Diego from Go Diego Go
[[barney]] - Barney The Dinosaur
[[elmo]] - Elmo from Sesame Street
[[bigbird]] - Big Bird from Sesame Street
[[cookiemonster]] - Cookie Monster from Sesame Street
[[winniethepooh]] - Movie Cover for new Winnie The Pooh movie
[[tigger]] - Tigger from Winnie The Pooh
[[PBSArthur]] - Arthur from the PBS Kids show Arthur
[[PeeweeHerman]] - Peewee Herman from Peewee's Playhouse
[[119960411370345]] - Teletubbies
[[151959596479]] - Boohbah
[[250984000911]] - Broken Heart
[[charliesheen]] - Charlie Sheen
[[161751797197606]] - Chuck Norris
[[291720597536078]] - Nyan Cat (1)
[[118714951545229]] - Nyan Cat (2)
[[NyanCatLostInSpace]] - Nyan Cat (3)
[[140742379316524]] - Bilbo Baggins
[[PokemonWorld]] - Picture of Ash and Pikachu
[[326134990738733]] - Pikachu
[[236147243124900]] - Pokemon Ball
[[166456416741199]] - Angry Bird
[[300983063279872]] - Eight Bit Mario
[[supermario]] - Super Mario
[[mariokart]] - Picture of Mario in Go Kart
[[sonic]] - Sonic The Hedgehog
[[155393057897143]] - Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] - Norbita
[[227644903931785]] - Forever Alone Face
[[167359756658519]] - Anime Face
[[196431117116365]] - Shin Chan
[[171108522930776]] - Troll Face
[[124839657530642]] - Papa Smurf
[[llamafans]] - Llama Picture
[[35833778275]] - Money
[[224812970902314]] - Derp
[[249199828481201]] - Kontana Izumi
[[148935948523684]] - Pedo Bear
[[333708903307152]] - Smiley Face Smirking
[[157618067676266]] - Smiley Face xD
[[134695813311979]] - Smiley Face Hmm
[[208551699231052]] - Smiley Face Mysterious
[[243002845770158]] - Smiley Face WTF
[[274914629225060]] - Smiley Face Shock
[[144264815683239]] = Smiley Face Crazy
[[100003277310675]] - M
[[100003252111881]] - A
[[100003281300913]] - H
[[100001428370699]] - O
[[130990790350077]] - Flip
[[138413752938532]] - Chew
[[244583952274501]] - Ksmirk
[[144685078974802]] - Mojacko
[[223328504409723]] - Gintoki Sakata
[[129627277060203]] - Pokerface
[[291564294222770]] - Facebook Empty Profile Picture
[[windows]] - Windows Icon
[[intel]] - Intel Icon
[[google]] - Google Icon
[[googlechrome]] - Google Chrome Icon
[[bing]] - Bing Icon
[[gmail]] - Gmail Icon
[[wikipedia]] - Wikipedia Globe
[[youtube]] - Youtube Icon
[[facebook]] - Facebook Icon
[[zFarmVille]] - Farmville Cows
(Y) - Facebook Like
[[325100207516184]] - Facebook Dislike
[[yahoo]] - Yahoo Icon
[[yahoomessenger]] - Yahoo Messenger Icon
[[msn]] - MSN Butterfly Icon
[[hotmail]] - MSN Hotmail Icon
[[pillowpets]] - Pillowpets Icon
[[happynappers]] - Happy Nappers Icon
[[avast]] - Avast! Antivirus Icon
[[aim]] - AIM Logo
[[itunes]] - Itunes Logo
[[iPodCommunity]] - Apple Logo
[[IpodTouchPage]] - Ipod Touch Image
[[hulu]] - Hulu Icon
[[reviewtopia]] - Reviewtopia Website Icon
[[muesproductions]] - Picture of Marc Mues
[[271034495583]] - Cartoon picture of Marc Mues
[[Myspace]] - Myspace Icon
[[smosh]] - Picture of Ian Hecox and Anthony Pedilla
[[raywilliamjohnson]] - Picture of Ray William Johnson
[[nigahiga]] - Picture of Ryan Higa
[[nostalgiacritic]] - Picture of Doug Walker as The Nostalgia Critic
[[toddintheshadows]] - Picture of Todd In The Shadows Cartoon
[[angryvideogamenerd]] - Cinemassacre Logo
[[nintendo]] - Nintendo Logo
[[Nintendo3DS]] - Nintendo 3DS
[[wii]] - Wii Icon
[[wiifit]] - Wii Fit Logo
[[mariokartwii]] - Mario Kart Wii Logo
[[7195427885]] - Super Mario Galaxy Game Cover image
[[351767826755]] - Animal Crossing Wii Logo
[[RockBand]] - Rock Band Logo
[[GuitarHero]] - Guitar Hero Logo
[[minecraft]] - Minecraft Logo
[[sony]] - Sony Logo
[[playstation]] - Playstation Icon
[[137938859597302]] - Playstation 3
[[43637146070]] - PSP
[[battlefield3]] - Battlefield 3 videogame cover
[[halo]] - Halo videogame cover
[[americanidol]] - Picture of American Idol judges
[[mtv]] - MTV Logo
[[jerseyshore]] - Cast of Jersey Shore
[[kitchennightmares]] - Chef Ramsay face
[[hellskitchen]] - Hell's Kitchen Logo
[[fox]] - Fox Channel Icon
[[foxnews]] - Fox News Icon
[[abcnews]] - ABC Icon
[[nbc]] - NBC Icon
[[nfl]] - NFL Icon
[[colts]] - Indiana Colts Logo
[[dallascowboys]] - Dallas Cowboys Logo
[[steelers]] - Steelers Logo
[[chicagobears]] - Chicago Bears Logo
[[cubs]] - Chicago Cubs Logo
[[baltimoreravens]] - Baltimore Ravens Logo
[[carolinapanthers]] - Carolina Panthers Logo
[[redsox]] - Boston Red Sox Logo
[[raiders]] - Oakland Raiders Logo
[[texaslonghorns]] - Texas Longhorns Logo
[[denverbroncos]] - Denver Broncos Logo
[[miamidolphins]] - Miami Dolphins Logo
[[113131122058511]] - New York Giants Logo
[[cardinals]] - St Louis Cardinals Logo
[[floridagators]] - Florida Gators Logo
[[seahawks]] - Seattle Seahawks Logo
[[universityoforegon]] - University Of Oregon (Oregon Ducks) Logo
[[nba]] - NBA Icon
[[trailblazers]] - Portland Trail Blazers Logo
[[denvernuggets]] - Denver Nuggets Logo
[[losangeleslakers]] - LA Lakers Logo
[[bostonceltics]] - Boston Celtics Logo
[[houstonrockets]] - Houston Rockets Logo
[[chicagobulls]] - Chicago Bulls Logo
[[laclippers]] - LA Clippers Logo
[[glee]] - Glee Channel Icon
[[themiddle]] - The Middle TV Show Icon
[[cartoonnetwork]] - Cartoon Network Channel Icon
[[thesimpsons]] - The Simpsons Cartoon Icon
[[53604212520]] - Homer Simpson
[[320426491306913]] - Marge Simpson
[[273143272711807]] - Bart Simpson
[[266253123404329]] - Lisa Simpson
[[171897879535510]] - Chief Wiggum
[[333269677221]] - Moe
[[familyguy]] - Family Guy Icon
[[115767121778065]] - Peter Griffin
[[192384820807511]] - Lois Griffin
[[108272965860879]] - Meg Griffin
[[32248376743]] - Stewie Griffin
[[246684017145]] - Brian Griffin
[[272765955944]] - Quagmire (Giggity!)
[[mickeymouse]] - Mickey Mouse Icon (1)
[[disney]] - Mickey Mouse Icon (2)
[[sixflags]] - Six Flags Logo
[[piratesofthecaribbean]] - Pirates Of The Caribbean movie image
[[CaptainJackSparrow]] - Captain Jack Sparrow
[[starwars]] - Darth Maul Image
[[118532231514890]] - Darth Vader Image
[[80893990611]] - Yoda
[[startrek]] - Star Trek Image
[[drseuss]] - Dr.Seuss Icon
[[blackeyedpeas]] - Image of Black Eyed Peas band
[[lmfao]] - Image of LMFAO members
[[justinbiebermistletoe]] - Justin Bieber with Mistletoe album
[[hannahmontana]] - Picture of Hannah Montana
[[mileycyrus]] - Picture of Miley Cyrus
[[beyonce]] - Picture of Beyonce
[[katyperry]] - Picture of Katy Perry
[[ladygaga]] - Picture of Lady Gaga
[[hollywoodundeadofficial]] - Hollywood Undead
[[195944340416844]] - Javy Von Monroe
[[eminem]] - Picture of rapper Emeinem
[[weirdal]] - Picture of parody singer Weird Al Yankovic
[[journey]] - Image of Journey album cover
[[pinkfloyd]] - Pink Floyd Image
[[131572223581891]] - Led Zeppelin Logo
[[116131608475678]] - Painted picture of Led Zeppelin
[[257834926155]] - Image of a Stairway To Heaven
[[thebeatles]] - Image of The Beatles
[[johnlennon]] - Picture of John Lennon
[[124476342370]] - Image of The Beatles Yellow Submarine
[[metallica]] - Metallica Image
[[247532825281584]] - Metallica Ride The Lightning album image
[[bonjovi]] - Image of singer Jon Bon Jovi
[[taylorswift]] - Picture of Taylor Swift in cowboy hat
[[aerosmith]] - Image of Aerosmith members
[[114888848601072]] - Picture of Aerosmith Logo
[[defleppard]] - Def Leppard Triangle
[[nightranger]] - Night Ranger band Image
[[heart]] - Picture of Heart band members
[[kiss]] - Picture of KISS Logo
[[121142661290301]] - Picture of Gene Simmons
[[acdc]] - Picture of AC/DC lead singer Brian Johnson
[[queen]] - Picture of Queen Logo
[[scorpions]] - Scorpions album cover Image
[[wwe]] - WWE Logo
[[tripleh]] - Image of pro wrestler Triple H
[[johncena]] - Image of pro wrestler John Cena
[[reymysterio]] - Image of pro wresler Rey Mysterio
[[Undertaker.32]] - Image of The Undertaker
[[michaelcole]] - Image of WWE announcer Michael Cole
[[crunch]] - Image of Crunch Fitness logo
[[skittles]] - Image of Skittles Candy wrapper
[[hersheys]] - Image of Hersheys Candy wrapper
[[hersheyskisses]] - Image of Hersheys Kisses box
[[mms]] - Image of m&ms
[[smarties]] - Smarties candy
[tootsieroll]] - Tootsie roll candy
[[nestlecrunch]] - Nestle Crunch candy Logo
[[dumdums]] - Dum Dum lollipops
[[lays]] - Image of Lays Chips bag
[[DoritosUSA]] - Bag of Doritos Chips
[[319462077135]] - Bag of Fritos Chips
[[ruffles]] - Image of Ruffles Chips bag
[[cheetos]] - Picture of Cheetah mascot
[[hostess]] - Picture of Hostess cupcake and twinkie
[[specialk]] - Special K Logo
[[frostedflakes]] - Tony The Tiger Logo
[[mcdonalds]] - Mcdonalds Logo
[[burgerking]] - Burger King Logo
[[tacobell]] - Tacobell Logo
[[29438189931]] - Picture of Tacos
[[bajafresh]] - Baja Fresh Logo
[[subway]] - Subway Logo
[[jackinthebox]] - Jack In The Box Mascot
[[wendys]] - Wendys Logo
[[arbys]] - Arbys Logo
[[carlsjr]] - Carls Jr. Logo
[[dairyqueen]] - Dairy Queen Logo
[[dennys]] - Denny's Diner Logo
[[ihop]] - IHop Logo
[[redlobster]] - Red Lobster Logo
[[olivegarden]] - Olive Garden Logo
[[applebees]] - Apple Bees Logo
[[pizzahut]] - Pizza Hut Logo
[[dominos]] - Dominos Logo
[[starbucks]] - Star Bucks Coffee Logo
[[dunkindonuts]] - Dunkin Donuts Logo
[[monsterenergy]] - Monster Energy Drink Symbol
[[redbull]] - Red Bull Symbol
[[cocacola]] - Coke bottle
[[pepsi]] - Pepsi bottle
[[gatorade]] - Gatorade Symbol
[[rockstar]] - Rockstar Energy Drink Symbol
[[vitaminwater]] - Vitamin Water bottle
[[aquafina]] - Aquafina Water Logo
[[smartwater]] - Smartwater bottle
[[crest]] - Crest Toothpaste
[[familyfued]] - Family Feud Gameshow Icon
[[areyousmarterthanafifthgrader]] - Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader Icon
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Make Fake Notifications and Messages - Amazing FB Trick

Hye geek lovers Today in our Post we will give a tutorial to create fake notification and fake message, this trick is one of my favorite trick to impress your friends. The trick is based on Inspect element. I will suggest you to perform it in Google Chrome. See every step carefully and follow it, for any query comment below.

Step 1 = Login to your account. Right Click on Notification Bar and Click on Inspect Element

Step 2 =  After Clicking on inspect element you will see a box below with some codes. See snapshot for hint.

Step 3 = Right click on that area (inspect element codes) and Select Edit in edit section see the next step what to edit.

Step 4 = Change the Value to 10000 or 100000000 and click on any blank side of your account. That's it enjoy this trick give a snap to other Friends and impress them.
If you like it please comment and share.

Do the same trick with messages to change its value.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stylish Sliding Menu Widget

Widgets are the heart of Blogs and Sites. To attract your User your blog should have classic and elegant widgets. Today in our Blogging section we are posting a new Classic Sliding Menu widget to make your blog more stylish.

    How to add this in your Blog

  • Go to your Blogger Account
  • Click on Layout
  • Now Add a Gadget
  • Select HTML/JAVA
  • Now copy - paste the Following Below Code 

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<style text-type="CSS">
#bmenu{position:fixed;center:5px;center:5px;background-color:#5ACEFF;border-radius:10px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border:3px solid #000000;width:202px;height:20px;color:#FF0606;transition:all .5s ease-in;-moz-transition:all .5s ease-in;-webkit-transition:all .5s ease-in;-o-transition:all .5s ease-in;z-index:3;overflow:hidden;padding:9px 15px 10px;}
#bmenu h3{margin:0;padding:0;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;}
#bmenu ul{border-radius:10px;-moz-border-radius:10px;border:2px solid #FFf;background-color:#40AADF;margin:15px 0;padding:0 15px;}
#bmenu li{list-style:none;margin:0 0 5px;padding:0;} #bmenu li a{color:#000;text-decoration:none;font-size:20px;}
#bmenu li a:hover{color:#fff;}
<br />
<div id="bmenu">

<span style="color: white;">menu</span></h3>
<li><span style="color: #0d4067;"><b><a href="" target="_blank">Unicornix-1</a></b></span></li>
<li><span style="color: #0d4067;"><b>Unicornix-2</b></span>
<li><span style="color: #0d4067;"><b>Unicornix-3</b></span>
<li><span style="color: #0d4067;"><b>Unicornix-4</b></span>
<li><span style="color: #0d4067;"><b>Unicornix-5</b></span></li>

To change the Menu Name change it from the code
Change the link adress to your link also to add more links in different menu copy paste this <a href="" target="_blank"
Change Unicornix to Your menu name

Save the Gadget and enjoy. For any query comment below. If you like the post Kindly Share it.
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Monday, July 16, 2012

World's Smallest Desktop- Lenovo

One of the Major Electronics Lenovo said that they got succeed in launching the World Smallest Desktop and now they are continuing their efforts in improving in this Field.
ThinkCentre M72e
The desktop ThinkCentre M72e and ThinkCentre M92p small desktop PC's are the cost of Rs. 23,500 (excluding taxes and operating system).
The company has said that this products is not only cover less space but offer Superior Performance and Reliability.
Now the companies prefer to launch small desktops so that it will occur less space but yet perform at high level.

ThinkCentre M92p
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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Social Bookmarking Widget - Unicornix

Add this Retro Style Social Bookmarking widget on your blog/website and attract Audience to Like, Tweet, Plus your posts.
   In blogging it is very Much important to attract your audience and to engage them at social networking sites. Add this widget and enjoy.

  • Go to you blog
  • click on Layout
  • Now click Add Gadget 
  • Select Add HTML/JAVA
  • Now copy following code and Save it

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="Facebook Page URL" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" target="_blank"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="200" /></a></div>
<br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href=" Username" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" target="_blank"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="200" /></a></div>
<br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="Google Plus URL" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" target="_blank"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="200" /></a></div>
<br /></div>

Change ''Google Plus URL''to you Google Plus page/profile

Change ''Twitter Username'' to your Twitter Username. i.e. Twitter/Unicornixblog.

Change ''Facebook URL'' to your Facebook page/profile URL
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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Browse Facebook Photos like Pinterest

Facebook is the largest social networking site with over 900 million active user, every seconds millions and billions photos uploaded, if you visit Facebook especially to see photos and other images updates, that you might got bore with the Facebook style. Don't worry like everyday today also we will post a new trick to view photos like Pinterest.

Friendsheet an awesome app website mainly to view Facebook photos in classic Pinterest Style. When you will go to the site you will be asked to login with your Facebook account, After login you will see amazing style Photos. You can also upload, share, and watch albums.

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Gustav Klimt's 150th Birthday Google Doodle

Google is remarking Gustav Klimt's 150th Birthday in his Google Doodle. The Google Doodle shows The Kiss , the most famous piece of art by this great Australian Painter.

The Kiss was painted between 1907-08 by Gustav Klimt that was considered as his Golden Period, as most of Klimt's work during the time when he use the Gold Leaf.

Google last Doodle's in India was on 23rd June about Alan Turing, the world war 2 code breaker where Google had posted interesting Doodle. You can read it here > Alan Turing Google Doodle  

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After Twitter Fallout, LinkedIn coming with a new design


One of the biggest socail networking, LinkedIn redesigning its website after they stopped displaying content from popular micro-blogging website Twitter.

Company said that the new look will attract more user and also to make people stay longer on the website.

According to a report by Tech crunch, that the menu bar will be at top of the page when users scroll down and also the new design will be have a darker look, with grey replacing the white background and black will be the color of the menu bar. Report also said that the new look will be looks more simpler things to do. 

*When the menu bar will be close it will always be easy to send messages quickly.According to reports the new look is on test.

We will hope it will create more success for LinkedIn and soon we will post about the new look comparing with the old one.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Rovio's Amazing Alex Debut

After an amazing world wide success Rovio's Angry birds. Rovio announced it's latest game Amazing Alex, this game would be finally launch for i OS and for Android Devices. Amazing Alex is a rebranding of Caesey's Contraptions. In the Game user must arrange object to create a chain reaction in which user will face different adventure and problems.
  We will hope for Rovio another success and soon we will post how to download this game but you must check the official trailer and give a rate.                                               

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Post in Multiple (Groups, Pages, Wall, Timeline) in one Click


Hello facebookers Unicornix adding another post in Facebook Tricks.  This trick is very important in the sense of promotions. For promotion we used to post in multiple groups, timeline, friends wall and pages and have to do it so many times worth wasting time.
      So in this trick you can see the tutorial to how to post in multiple groups, Pages, timeline, wall in just single click.

Step 1 - Click Here you will be redirected to the website

Step 2 - Click on Connect if you were already logged in you will be redirected to authorize the app and login with facebook if not then you have to first login and then allow the application.

Step 3 - If you were not login then login.

Step 4 - Allow the application and you will be redirected to the app which look like this.

Type the message, links and other stuff of your promotion and also note the tricks are for educational purpose. We will be waiting for your comments and shares. 

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