Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Google+ Events

I Don't know why but my attendance in Google plus is much than Facebook. Today When i opened it, i saw a new stuff which was Google+ Events.

As everyone was expecting Google+ event will be pretty much similar to Facebook but the reality says it is far ahead from anything else.
   The good advantage part of Google plus event is that you don't need a Google+ account. You can easily invite them through E-mail and they'll have access to the events page as normal. This may some how will sway them to join our site.

The theme is just awesome, it really add reality and as mentioned no social networking site can compare with Google + event. You can change the animated theme of your choice.

The most interesting feature is the ''Party Mode'' and it automatically brings together all your Favorite pics that is taken by the guest. In this way Google+ give you the party visual effect

How to create Events in Google+?
                    Click on the Above picture you will be redirected to Google +

After you will redirected Login to Google + and Click on Create Event.

 A New pop will display, enter all the details and that's it You are with your friends.
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